Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Damascus, Syria
On our last day in Irbid, we got a mail from our friends Manuela and Francesco who had just picked up their passports, fresh from Switzerland with a shiny new visa for Syria. Since we were still here they decided to come up from Amman and spend the night in Irbid, so that we could cross the border together on the following day. When they showed up we had a nice drink in the cafe on the ground floor of the hotel, and made plans for the following day.
In the morning we packed up and had a great audience while doing so. After a while they got bold enough to ask us for a picture. So they took turns and took pictures with us in front of the bikes. After a while they got even bolder and asked for just a picture with Cecilia, so they took turns standing next to Cecilia and taking pictures of each other. I almost died laughing, all good fun. Then, when they all had a picture with the little blond girl, they all took of en-mass. We had a good laugh about that later.
Eventually, we all got on the road and headed for the little used border at Ar Ramtha. The Jordan side was nearly empty, we just drove in, they checked the carnets, and sent us further on. At the next stop, Cecilia went in and got the paperwork done in less than 20 minutes; passport stamped, exit tax paid 5JD/per person and another 5JD/per vehicle. This took care of our last JDs, as we had just changed our remaining JD to Syrian at a rate of 71.65 Syrian to 1 JD (in case anyone is interested, the rate is the same in Damascus). After that, the carnets got the proper stamps and we were off. On the Syrian side, there weren't any more people than on the Jordanian, but the paperwork was a bit more complicated. The entry form had to be filled in duplicate, and the passports processed. In all this took around 30 minutes. Then it was off to customs for the Carnets. Here it got more complicated and expensive. First, you had to buy insurance, which for the bikes cost 40 USD (payable in foreign currency only!) and also pay road tax which was 7 USD a bike. Luckily the bikes run on petrol, because our friends also had to pay a hefty diesel tax. After that the carnets got stamped and the papers processed. ( A full report on www.fernweh.ch soon!) After 40 minutes (more) we were in Syria. It seems we had chosen the hottest day of the year to do this as we measured 44.6C on our computers.
Once in Syria we rode past the first town and stopped at the first shade we found, the empty parking lot of an amusement park! As soon as we go into Syria we noticed that it is a lot more like we were used to in Egypt, Libya or Morocco, and less like Jordan or Tunisia which are both fairly well developed. Anyway, as soon as we parked, the people minding the gate at the amusement park came over and invited us inside, which we politely declined as we had a picnic planned. While sitting there having a wonderful picnic nearly every car that passed would honk and yell "hello welcome" and continue. Really great. They were all very interested in our motorbikes, something that Manuela and Francesco had not really gotten used to yet. People always wave, stare and often nearly get into accidents by watching us instead of the road. One of the things that very often happens, is someone would pass us, slow down and let us pass them, and then pass us again. The second time around they would have their camera out or their mobile phone and take a picture of us as they passed us.
After the picnic we headed to Damascus and a campground there. The road was pretty straight (we avoided the highway and took the "old" road), but would go through all the little towns on the way, and they were all fascinating. Lots and lots of potholes, and speed bumps which are completely invisible until you are on the other side (minus some luggage and a helmet maybe!). To the left the Golan Heights seemed to have snow on them, even though as I mentioned previously it was very hot down on the plains where we were.
Nearing Damascus we were more and more reminded of Cairo, lots of traffic, noise, heat, confusion and more heat. With a few wrong turns and a small sightseeing tour we found the camping, which turned out to be a real haven, a bit noisy but excellent camping, with a heafty european price tag. Oh, well, it is still cheaper than a hotel.
We settled down for the night, cooked some dinner together with Francesco and Manuela (they cooked, we ate), and enjoyed the cooler night air.
The following day we had a leisurely breakfast before heading into town in a taxi, no-one wanted to drive in this mess. We had all survived Cairo and weren't eager for a repetition. The first order of business was cashing some American Express travelers checks, as Manuela and Francesco needed money. The main bank said no, they couldn't cash American Express Travelers checks because of the embargo the U.S. had placed on Syria. So we decided to try the Amex office in town. Guess what, American Express Syria, would not cash their own checks. Unbelievable. We where all completely speechless, oh, well. The next stop an ATM machine, where they managed to get some money. After that we headed for the Souks and Old town.
The souks are something really spectacular. A high ceiling encloses the whole area with shops on either sides selling everything imaginable. What struck us the most, not just in the souks but in Damascus in general is how "real" it all is. There is little external influence so everything here is "natural" for a lack of a better description. There is little if any tourism, and everyone is very open and friendly, even more than the Egyptians who all (to a man) would say "Hello you are Welcome", hey why not, they (the egyptians) know that foreigners pay double what the locals pay, right! The Syrians are much more natural and less annoying, making it a truly enjoyable place to just walk around and enjoy the sights and sounds.
We spent two days walking around the souks, soaking in the sights and sounds (not to mention the smells). Cecilia and Francesco together with Manuela spent a couple of hours purchasing some copper serving plates. In the end they got the price down more than 60% from the opening bid and they bought 4 plates. 1 for us and three of varying sizes for them. They already offered to take our plate back to Switzerland for us as we could not have carried it. Our first souvenier on this trip!
On our second night in town we enjoyed an excellent dinner in the Old Town of Damascus, at the restaurant Jabri House. The eating area is in a large courtyard with a fountain and tons of fans. They also have a patio and it is frequented mostly by locals. The food is excellent and served very quickly. I recommend the "House Chicken" which is heavenly. Oh, and it is all very reasonably priced. For 4 people we spent 800 Syrian Pounds around 18Sfr. Including a water pipe which Francesco had to enjoy by himself as no-one else smoked. By the way, that is another thing that is endemic, everywhere you go there are restaurants or cafe's where waterpipes are smoked (nearly always by men only). Nevertheless it was a very enjoyable evening. Another quick tip, if anyone ever comes this way, make sure you plan to spend at least one evening wandering around the old town, it is really delightful with lots of little alleys, and byways. A bit touristy (when I said that there were few if any tourists, I meant West European tourists, as there are quite a bit "local" arabian/mid-eastern tourists), but well worth it. At night the heat is tolerable and the people are all out, not to mention the lighting which gives the whole town a little of the 1001 Nights feel.
Now it is time to move on, we are headed out in the morning, we will be going northwards, and what awaits us no-one knows.
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Irbid, Jordan

Well, it has been quite a few weeks (almost) since the last update. Since our wonderful time on the beach we have been very busy with a couple of Jordan's better known sights, such as:

Wadi Rum:
Wonderful, extraterrestrial landscape. Which explains why they filmed part of Mission to Mars here, not to mention Lawrence of Arabia. We spent a few days here hiking and climbing around the some of the rock formations nearby.

A pre-historic town carved out of ravines, valleys and mountains. Famous for the "Treasury" which is shown in nearly all documentation of the city, and also in films like "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade".

The following day after being besieged by locals who wanted to know if we were interested in going to the desert and offering their services in this endeavor, we decided to head off on our own and explorer a canyon which lay just across from the town. Apparently there is a way to go from this side of the canyon to the other on some fairly easy "scrambling" paths. Unfortunately after a day of scrambling around and having a grand old time, we still hadn't found the proper way through, so we called it quits and headed back to camp. We were totally dead, the heat and the exertion of climbing up, down, around, through, over, under, in between all the rocks, canyons, boulders, ravines and valleys had really taken their toll. But we were elated, it had been a lot of fun, if sometimes a bit scary and fustrating not being able to find the right path.
The hike was pretty easy in the beginning, and went through some fantastic landscape, and whenever you weren't in a canyon, you had some stunning views of rock formations and the valleys, really fantastic. For me the most fun was the climbing and scrambling around. No ropes or gear necessary, only a couple of sections were really a bit tricky, the rest was just straight forward, but a lot of fun. We had a picknick underneath a huge boulder which had fallen and blocked the ravine, but which one could climb underneath to continue further. The day was even hotter than yesterday so a nice break in the shade was very welcomed. After two hours we emerged on a plateau where we could see where we had been yesterday. Only when we had made it down, could we see that, the previous day there had been no way we would have spotted the path! Very tired and happy we made it back to camp for a well deserved ice cream and a cool drink. What a day!Leaving Wadi Rum :-(
Treasury, Petra (Francesco and Cecilia in the foreground left!)
We left Wadi Rum two days later after a day of rest and relaxation as well as taking care of some practical matters, and headed to Petra a short (100km) distance away. Once back on the main road to Amman, the road climbed very steeply and after the turn-off to the "Kings Highway" it ran along a high plateau, with excellent views towards the plains and Israel the distance. At one view point, we stopped and waited for Francesco and Manuela to catch up. As soon as we stopped, we were besieged by American tourists, wanting to know everything about us. I haven't had to speak this much English in a long time. They were very impressed with Cecilia riding her own bike! In short order Francesco and Manuela showed up and we continued to Petra. After spending a couple of hours looking for appropriate accommodations we settled for a "Bedouin" camp in the direction of Little Petra, just outside of Petra. There are two such camps here and one was twice as expensive as the other, so we of course chose the cheaper variant. Francesco then spent nearly and hour haggling with the guard and in the end negociated a further discount of 1JD per person (2 Sfr.), in the end it was still pretty expensive though.
The camp itself was deserted, we were the only guests, and it was very relaxing and quiet. The camp turned into a 1001 Nights Fantasy at night. When they turned the generator on, the hills glowed with a "thousand" points of light. They had placed lights in many of the holes in the rocks around the camp. Some in various colors, and the grounds themselves were also bathed in light. Very impressive. It turns out their main business is as a venue for tour groups to have a night in the desert with food and a show. Sure enough the manager showed up with a troupe of singers/dancers (all men) and they rehearsed for a show the following night. Very interesting, listening to them perform and being the only audience. As soon as they left, they turned the generator on and then the real light show started. It was totally dark, with only the light of the stars glowing in the sky, and then late, the moon came out, and the hills glowed with soft moonlight. Very beautiful. We slept very well, in the totally deserted and quiet "campground".
The next morning we made out way to the entrance to Petra in Wadi Musa. We got a three day pass and started to go in. First you are besieged by "Guides", horse riders offering a ride down to the entrance to the city gates (they can't go further) 200m further down, or horse / donkey carriages who can take you all the way into Petra (~1.4km in). Once into the city entrance, you have to watch out that they don't run into you as some go pretty fast through there with their carriages. At the city entrance proper, the road goes into a "ravine" which you then follow until you emerge at the plaza in front of the Treasury. The whole walk is surreal, they have carved a water channel along a wall, as well as niches, and even the remains of some figures (camels, a person leading camels), and when you look up you have sheer walls on either side, or you go through overhangs making it look like a tunnel in some places. Very impressive, and I didn't even mention the color, and coloration of the various rock strata. Depending on time of day and position of sun, it ranges from, light brown, to deep red or light pink. The first glimpse of the treasury is through nearly touching canyon walls. Hollywood couldn't have designed something like this. In the plaza itself there were quite a few people milling about and the usual touts selling jewelry and drinks etc., as well as touting, camel and donkey rides to the city proper (another 600m down). The Treasury itself isn't much inside, a huge room carved out of the mountain, but what I really found fascinating is the details on the columns and the entrance itself with the pillars. Additionally there are a couple of smallish side rooms, again everything carved out of the mountain.
After spending some time in the plaza just watching the tourists and marveling at the Treasury we continued further down the valley to where it opened up into an open area between the rock formations. Here on both sides are huge "buildings" carved out of the rocks. These are actually tombs of varying shape and sizes, carved into the mountains on both sides of the canyon. We then took a sharp left and climbed up the mountain to the left of the Coliseum and headed up to the High Place of Sacrifice. Half way up we stopped and had lunch on a nice rock outcrops giving us a stunning view of the valley below as well as of the tourist making their way up, huffing and puffing, or often sitting on a donkey being guided up the mountain. Just below the top there is a snack bar across from the 2 obelisk, near these "obelisk" my GPS reported that there was a Geocache, so we explained to Manuela and Francesco what that was, and all set off to try and find it. We did find it in the end, a brand new micro-cache, with no entries in the log. We made our entry and hid it back where we found it and continued up to the High Place of Sacrifice. Here there is a great view over the whole area. There is an altar and some niches here where apparently sacrifices were made (of what no-one is really sure). We had a good look around before walking down the mountain on the other side.
This side lead to the Lion fountain, and the Tomb of the Roman Soldier as well as a number of tombs and other structures, again don't imagine anything build out of the ground, rather everything carved straight out of the naked rock, incredible. Just the stairs going down where great, with 90 degree turns and a sheer face on the outside, you always had to watch your step. The lion fountain was a lion carved into the mountain, with a fountain at the bottom, and the most fascinating thing was the way they carved channels into the rock to guide the path of the water to cisterns or in this case a fountain. This is seen all over Petra, everywhere there are water management measures implemented. With the scarcity of water around here I am not surprised that when it did rain they would want to make the most of it.
Before coming back out on the right side of the Coliseum we stopped and did some "archeological" digging of our own; in the garbage heap. Apparently here for eons the inhabitants (30,000) dumped their garbage and as long as you don't bring a shovel, they don't mind you scavenging around for pot shards and other detria of various civilizations (Nabetean, Byzantine, and Roman). We did find a couple of interesting looking pot shards with patterns painted on them, probably only 100 years old if that, but hey, lots of fun anyway. We then sat in the Coliseum and were very impressed with the acoustics, I stood on center stage and did my best stand up comedy (quietly), they still heard me in the back and just shook their heads! So much for show biz.
So ended our first day in Petra. That night back at the camp, we had an excellent dinner of Roasted Chicken, and fruit salad for dessert, topped off by a lovely campfire. While eating and cleaning up we watched as a number of people were making preparations for tonight's party. And promptly at 21:00 a busload of tourists showed up. All the lights were turned off and they were lead along a path lit by brown bags filled with sand holding a candle. Once in the middle of the camp, the performers started singing an the lights went on. Everyone went ohhh, ahhh, they were very impressed, and rightly so, it was very well done. Then they all ran off to the buffet tent, guess that was to be expected. Their dinner consisted of lamb and chicken roasted on a fire, with potatoes straight from a larger fire in the middle of the tent. Once they finished eating, the show started. Our troop from last night, this time dressed in "traditional" white robes and some sporting a holster with a gun, started, singing and dancing. Some songs were accompanied by a drum and a flute, the rest were just chanting along to clapping hands. Very rhythmic and almost hypnotic. After the singing and dancing, our night watchman took the stage and played an instrument similar to a violin, with a single string, and a bow which he drew across the instrument while resting it on the ground. The sound similar to a cat being strangled. This he accompanied with what sounded like a chant. Later the campground manager showed up and played something like a Lute (a short round guitar, almost). Lots of fun and very interesting. After a couple of hours everything was over and everyone left and we were again alone in the dark. Excellent.
The second and third day in Petra were more of the same, but different. Lots more huge structures and tombs. On the second day we also spent a while finding another Geocache hidden above the police station in the middle of Petra proper. It was a lot of fun scrambling around the rocks and enjoying the view and the incredible architecture while looking for the cache. We found it eventually and spent the next 30 minutes just reading all the entries in the log and adding our own comment. Afterwards we headed to the Monastery on a mountain opposite of where we were. This turned out to be a huge, as in very large, building. The entrance is higher than a house. The plaza in front was all carved out of the mountain, incredible. Nearby we also enjoyed the view over towards Israel, 22km in the distance.
On the last day in Petra, we started by walking through the "Tunnel" next to the entrance to the city. There was a "guide" who tried stopping us from going this way, saying it is too dangerous and we weren't allowed to do it without a guide. A classic method to earn some business. We ignored him and continued. The walk led along a dried river bed, through canyon and ravines, in places so narrow that you had to walk sideways through them. This is probably the best canyon walk any of us have ever done! Towards the end there were then the signs of the Nabeteans who had carved funerary niches in the walls of the canyon more than 2000 years ago. Completely surreal. Not to mention the Water conservation measures they had taken on the canyon itself, by damming part of it, and redirecting other parts, very impressive. By now we were pretty worn out, with all the sights so the last day we quit fairly early (only 6 hours), and headed back to camp and relaxation. Our Swiss friends ate dinner with us and then left for Amman and we settled down for a nice little campfire with our friend the Fiddler who came over and made us Bedouin tea on our fire (which he had lit for us), and told us about being part of an Finnish archeological excavation on Mount Aaron back in 2000! Turns out our night watchman besides being a musician, is also an archeologist, and a Sheik (leader of local a Bedouin tribe). His wife and mother are in Lyon France, where his mother is being treated in the hospital (for what we couldn't quite figure out). Strange world...
The following day we headed north to the Dead Sea, where we spent a few days relaxing on the beach. We decided to skip the Dana nature reserve, which is another tourist draw in Jordan. As we neared the Dead Sea, from the southern end, we were immediately aware of an increased security presence. We were stopped 4 times by military checkpoints, between going down to the Dead Sea and the northern shore where the beach lay. This was the first time since Egypt that anyone was so interested in our Passports and where we were going; and I was just starting to get used to not being checked every 10km anymore! The first thing one (well, I) notices about the dead sea is that it is, well, dead. There are no boats on it, no fish in the shallows, there is nothing growing along the banks, no waves either for that matter. At the northern end there are the hotels, and beaches, further south there is nothing (besides military checkpoints). We set up camp, after waiting 2 hours for the previous occupants of our chosen spot to vacate it. And enjoyed a wonderful sundown over the hills of Jerusalem in the distance. The following day we started the day early by a nice float in the Dead Sea. The salt level in the Dead Sea is so high that you literally float, you can't sink. This makes swimming pretty difficult, getting your feet down a maneuver in it self. Floating in a certain position you will suddenly spin around. Lots of fun. The rest of our time here alternated between laying in the shade reading, floating in the sea, and just plain relaxing. Later in the afternoon our Swiss friends showed up from Amman, they had managed to take care of what they need to do and decided to come down and say hello.
The following day we left the Dead Sea, Manuela and Francesco heading back to Amman where they were going to wait for their paperwork for Syria to come through and we headed up the Jordan valley to Irbid. The Jordan valley is very similar to the Nile valley (surprise surprise), lots of military everywhere, particular in the northern end where we neared the Golan heights and Syria, no problems getting through, though once they wanted us to open our boxes. After explaining how much work that was they just waved us through. In Irbid, there is no camping so we found a fairly cheap hotel and asked about prices, negociated the price down to what we could afford to pay and confirmed that we could put our motorcycles in front of the entrance to the reception. Unfortunately when I went to get the bikes, the Tourist police wouldn't let me drive it down to in front of the reception (the road was blocked). Naturally I informed the hotel of this, and this then started a huge discussion between the hotel staff and the police. In the end we waited an hour for some other police to show up, they inspected the content of our boxes and luggage and then allowed us (reluctantly) to park where we wanted to. A real production, the hotel staff was very apologetic, if not apoplectic that the police was being so "difficult". We don't know what exactly the problem is, we have never had a problem with the Police, if anything the hotel will say we can't park somewhere. Nevertheless, Irbid turns out to be a great little town. It is a university town, no tourists anywhere to be seen. Too bad that they don't have a campground. Not much to "see" or do, but excellent to get a realistic feel for life in Jordan.
Next update coming after Syria, since apparently (according to our guide book) there isn't any Internet in Syria! Can that really be? We shall see.
Friday, May 12, 2006
Aqaba, Jordan
We are now in Aqaba Jordan, we arrived from Nuweiba Egypt on Monday night after a very long day.
We started at 6:30 packing and getting everything ready. We got on the road and headed to the ferry terminal, which was a short 15 minutes ride away.
Standing in line for a while we got our tickets to Aqaba for a hefty 760 Egyptian Pounds. (37$ per person and 20$ per motorcycle, and an additional 100 Egyptian pounds as an exit tax)
For anyone headed this way, the ticket office is the building on the right as you face the entrance to the port. There are no signs in English! The office is only open in the morning, although unconfirmed reports say that it should be open as long as the ferries are in port. Also, note that the FAST ferry does NOT take vehicles so you are forced to go on the slow ferry if you have anything bigger than a bicycle.
After getting the tickets we parked our bikes near the entrance to the port and waited. There was a huge line of trucks parked here and one indicated we could park in front of the line so why not. An hour or so later (9:15am) we were approached by a tourist policeman who took all our paperwork and asked us to follow him into the port area. An so it began.
An hour and a half later everything was finished. Basically, the tourist police took care of everything for us, he returned the license and license plates, got the carnet de passage stamped, organized the exit document (?), we got our passports stamped out ourselves, and that was it. Sounds pretty simple, but we ended up following the policeman back and forth between half dozen various offices. The charges where minimal, it cost 40 Egyptian Pounds per carnet to get everything done, including copies apparently, or it might have been 40 pounds for the copies, we didn't quite get that clear.
With all our paperwork done, we were shuttled off to the departure lounge with the rest of the people who where to go on the ferry. We were the only "foreigners", or rather make that European foreigners, as a lot of the people waiting were Jordanian, or Kuwaiti, also foreigners.
Shortly thereafter we were told to go to the ferry. Once there, they made us wait (there were no other vehicles), until all the passengers where on board and then we rode the bikes into the ferry and parked on the third vehicle deck.
The ferry turned out to be an older Danish ferry, which still had the signs for Fredrikshavn exit on the door. All signs were in three languages, English, German, and danish, with a piece of paper written or printed in Arabic taped up next to the other signs.
It was now around 11:15am and we spent the rest of the time just sitting around and reading, the ferry ended up leaving at 15:00 (3pm), and got to Aqaba at 19:30 (7:30pm), for some unknown reason we weren't (everyone) allowed to disembark for a further 40 minutes. Also note that the Jordanian immigration officials will take your passport on the ferry and return it to you in Aqaba at the ferry terminal. In return for your passport you will get a stamped piece of paper with your name and passport number. The visa is free but is limited to 30 days (you have to ask explicitly) and can only be renewed in Aqaba. The normal visa costs 10JD (Jordanian Dinar), and can be extended anywhere in the country. If you require such a visa, tell the immigration officer when giving him your passport.
There was a bit of confusion at the terminal, as we ended up going in the back way because we had vehicles. The person who met us at the door was the person responsible for selling us the compulsory vehicle insurance, and he then sent us up to see the police in order to get our passports before selling us the insurance. With a bit of a run-around we got them and the rest of the procedure was fairly painless. The cost for motorcycle insurance for 30 days is 21.50JD per bike, and an additional 11JD per bike for the handling of the Carnet de Passage. All in all much more efficient than anything we have encountered in North Africa with the exception of Morocco which was simpler, quicker and cheaper! (read about it in www.fernweh.ch)
The accommodations we were heading for was 3km south of the port (according to my GPS), unfortunately we got on the wrong road after getting out of the port area, and nearly ended up in Saudi Arabia which is just a few kilometers further down the road. There simply wasn't anywhere else to turn around!
Once on the right road, we found the accomodations and to our surprise there was a newer one right across the road. After a little haggling back and forth we settled for the new one as it turned out to be 4JD cheaper for a little room (we were to tired to camp, and the grounds of both places did not look very inviting). The cost was still seriously expensive for our tastes (16JD per night for a little room with bath and ac), considering we had paid the equivalent of 2.5JD in Egypt for similar accomodations (ok, no bath, but still). We unpacked and cooked some noodles on our front door step before crashing for the night. We don't quite know why but we were really dead. The day had been long and very tiring, although we had not really "done" much.
The next day we explored Aqaba, and to our surprise found it a totally charming "little" town. Very quiet, clean, and much more "westernized" than anything we had previously encountered. You are still in an Arabic country, but there is no hassel, no haggling, traffic is almost comprehendible (only the cabs like to split lanes). So for us it was a real nice change of pace.
We even found a very competent tourist office, with plenty of literature and valuable information both on Aqaba and Jordan in general.
The following day we decided to move down to the beach, where we had found out that there is "free" camping, in zones specially reserved for foreign tourists. Excellent. We also ran into a couple from Tessin (Switzerland) whom we had previously met in St. Katherina in the Sinai. We informed them of our plans, and they also joined us down at the beach.
Camping on the beach turned out to be heaven, with the exception of the wind. Ever since we had gotten here the wind had been blowing pretty fiercely. But once we go away from the campground we noticed how strong it really was, around 30-50kmh. The temperature around 37C feels really confortable with so much wind, but it is pretty cold to get in the water. Water temperature is 22C which is nice for anyone from Europe.
The beach is very busy with lots and lots of locals enjoying a brief outing and swim. Women by the way, get in the water fully clothed, not something you will see in Malibu. Also at night, women will never go to the restroom alone! They are always either escorted by a man or with other women.
Everybody fighting with the wind makes for some excellent entertainment, and every once in a while an empty can or bottle will literaly fly by our tent as we are sitting with out friends Manuela and Francesco (the couple from Tessin), discussing our experience in North Africa. In out in the water, nearly once an hour an un-accompanied blanket, plastic bag, or childrens blowup water toy flies by and is well on it's way to Saudi Arabia before anyone can do anything about it.
Tomorrow we head to Wadi Rum and the 7 pillars, we are looking forward to some quiet desert again, although we have really enjoyed Aqaba.
Some more pics

Much more pictures are available at www.fernweh.ch enjoy.
Thursday, May 11, 2006
This is going to be our quick and dirty method to publish our rantings on our travels as we make our way around the world, and comment on what we experience and how we did it. It is meant as an extension to our "normal" web site, which you can find at www.fernweh.ch unfortunately this doesn't get updated very frequently, so we have decided to start a blog and get our thoughts and experience up on the net as quick as possible.